Mediterranean Metabolic Bowl

A mediterranean take on the Levels power bowl - this is filled with fresh flavors. Close your eyes and you’ll be in the Mediterranean!




  • 2-3 cups of mixed salad greens
  • 1/8-1/4 cup chopped cucumbers
  • 1/8- 1/4 cup sliced cherry tomatoes
  • 1/8 cup roasted broccoli
  • 1/8 cup chickpeas
  • 1/2 an avocado
  • 2 tbsp sauerkraut
  • 3 tbsp hummus
  • 1/2 tbsp basil seeds or chia seeds
  • 1/2- 1 cup of cooked protein of choice


  • 1/2 cup olive oil
  • 1/2 cup olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon dijon mustard
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon tahini
  • 1 pinch of garlic powder and a pinch of salt
  • 1 tablespoon MCT oil (optional)


  1. Combine all dressing ingredients in a bowl. Whisk to combine and set aside.
  2. Assemble your greens in a your serving bowl, then add your chopped veggies and protein. Top is sauerkraut, hummus, and a sprinkle of seeds.
  3. Drizzle your dressing on top, or, toss to combine


  • Feel free to customize all elements of this bowl. Use what you have on hand (left over veggies or proteins for previous meals) and experiment with new flavor combinations. This is a great place to try something new, like adding a bit fermented food like kimchi or sauerkraut.
  • Taste test your dressing before you pour it on your bowl. If you feel like you want a little more vinegar, lemon, salt, etc, add it.
  • Any leafy greens will work as a base. Sonja’s favorite base is half dino (Tuscan/ Lacinato) kale and half power greens.
  • Roasted veggies are delicious here and a great way to use up leftovers in the fridge. Sonja usually buys a big bag of frozen broccoli and pan roasts.


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